WiderScreen 21 (1-2) 2018: Kaupunkikuvitelmat ja urbaani arki – City imaginings and urban everyday life

Editorial – City Imaginings and Urban Everyday Life


WiderScreen 1–2/2018 focuses on the spatially and temporally multidimensional axis that spans between imagining and inhabiting the city. The starting point of the double special issue is the observation that diverse forms of imagining entwine with practices of urban living and governance, and structure how the city appears in different media and genres. The five peer-reviewed articles and three overviews direct variegated lenses at the issue’s core problematics forming together a fascinating kaleidoscope.

Johanna Ylipulli | johanna.ylipulli [a] oulu.fi | Editor | Postdoctoral Researcher | Center for Ubiquitous Computing | University of Oulu

Seija Ridell | seija.ridell [a] uta.fi | Editor | Professor | Media Studies, Faculty of Communication Sciences | University of Tampere

Jenni Partanen | jenni.partanen [a] tut.fi | Editor | Research Fellow | Architecture | Tampere University of Technology

Imagi(ni)ng Urban Transformation in Post-Détente Havana

Peer-reviewed article

The article has two foci: It first discusses visual statements on U.S.-Cuba relations, produced by official and online representations. It then examines closer some specific urban imagi(ni)ngs of Havana from the perspective of official and grassroots actors in shared space in Havana.

Benita Heiskanen
benita.heiskanen [a] utu.fi
John Morton Center for North American Studies

Hues on a Shell: Cyber-Dystopia and the Hong Kong Façade in the Cinematic City

Peer-reviewed article

This article addresses the visual specificities of the imaginations, “reimaginings”, and interpretations of Hong Kong’s urban space as represented in the American adaptation of Ghost in the Shell (Sanders 2017).

Brian Sze-hang Kwok
sdbriank [a] polyu.edu.hk
Assistant Professor
School of Design
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Anneke Coppoolse
anneke.coppoolse [a] polyu.edu.hk
Assistant Professor
School of Design
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Pienoismalli menetetyn kaupunkimaiseman kuvitelmana – Kulttuurinen elinkaarianalyysi Viipurin pienoismallista

Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli

Artikkeli selvittää miten ja ehkä miksi pienoismalleja rakennetaan. Tutkimus perustuu uuteen menetelmään, kulttuuriseen elinkaarianalyysiin, ja sen kohteena on Viipurin kaupungin pienoismallin rakentumisen vaiheet.

Simo Laakkonen
simo.laakkonen [a] utu.fi
VTT, maisemantutkimuksen yliopistonlehtori
Turun yliopisto

Susanna Siro
susanna.siro [a] utu.fi
FM, tohtorikoulutettava
Turun yliopisto

The Graffiti Storyline and Urban Planning: Key Narratives in the Planning, Marketing, and News Texts of Santalahti and Hiedanranta

Peer-reviewed article

This article regards urban planning as a form of storytelling and argues that there is significance in whose stories and which storylines are acknowledged to belong to the narrative fabric of a place and how the stories of future districts are communicated to the public through narratives during a planning project.

Kai Ylinen
kai.ylinen [a] jyu.fi
MA, Doctoral Student
Art History
University of Jyväskylä

‘Loitering’ in Urban Public Space – Wandering with a Street Poet in Berlin


The author accompanied a poet and street vendor on the streets of Berlin over a two-week period. The text collage discusses the phenomenon of ’loitering’ in urban public spaces in two parallel discourses.

Julia Weber
julia.weber [a] zhdk.ch
PhD-Student, joint PhD
Institute for Contemporary Art Research
Zurich University of the Arts – Art University Linz