Instructions for Authors and Referees

WiderScreen offers multiple ways for authors to contribute. Some issues are thematic, but there are also general issues that enable publishing of articles without a given theme. In addition, creative works, such as image collections, experimental media approaches and art works, can be published.

Send paper proposals and questions to the editor-in-chief. The following is a list of possible types of articles:

Peer reviewed article: Academic article (”refereed article”) goes through a double blind peer review process. The main purpose of peer reviewed article is to publicize new, original and well-founded research. The recommended lenght is 4000–7000 words, unless otherwise noted in the CfP. WiderScreen does not guarantee the publication of an article even when requested from the author. Classification: A1.

Review article: A review article surveys and summarizes previously published studies, instead of reporting new facts or analysis. A review article can also be an introduction for more advanced research study (e.g. peer reviewed article or scientific book). Review articles do not go through a peer review. The recommended lenght is 3000–6000 words. Classification: A2.

Overview: An overview is, as the name suggests, an introduction to a relevant research theme. Overviews do not go through a peer review. The recommended lenght is 2000–5000 words. Classification: B1.

Essay: Academic writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis and interpretation. Essays are not peer-reviewed. The recommended length is 2000-4000 words. Classification: B1.

Review: In-depth review of  scientific publication, popular book or media productions. The recommended length is 500-1000 words.

Interview: Interviews of people working in the field of audiovisual and digital culture.

Column/Position paper: It is also possible to submit free-form articles related to the topics of thematic issues. The purpose of these articles is also to popularize the scientific debate to a wider audience.

Conference papers: We also publish conference papers on various aspects of audiovisual and digital culture. Presentations at international conferences are particularly welcomed. Video lectures/presentations are also welcomed.

Technical Instructions:

WiderScreen uses the Chicago Author-Date inline style for citations. In some occasions it is possible to include endnotes, but they should be used with moderation.

The manuscripts should follow this general structure:

1. Author’s name, department and university (or other affiliation) and contact information

2. Title

3. A short description of key topic/content (180–280 characters including whitespace)

4. Abstract

5. 4–8 keywords

6. Text

7. List of references

8. Possible endnotes

It is recommended to use 12 pt font and line spacing 1,5. Titles and section titles should be bolded and paragraphs should be separated by a blank row. Use “citation marks” for short citations and an intended paragraph for longer ones. Other formatting should be avoided.

The names of cultural products (movies, games, TV programs, books etc.) should be in italics. The first time they are mentioned, include the publication year in parentheses. If you use a translated title, do it as follows: Movie Name (Original Name, year). For example: Hurja joukko (The Wild Bunch, 1969).

It is advisable to use images, charts etc. to complement the text. Mark their place, caption and source in text and send the actual images as separate files. Example: <picture1.jpg>, Caption text. Source: X. Videos: embedded links (e.g. from YouTube)

The completed articles are sent to editor in chief and subeditor unless mentioned otherwise in CFP of a specific issue.

For referees: Referee instructions and official referee form